Scored Free KFC 2-Piece: My TikTok Adventure & Dinner Haul!

Did y’all know KFC giving away free 2 piece today? So love is. I was minding my business on TikTok scrolling, and then I saw someone posted that they got a free two piece when they downloaded the KFC app. And I was like, what? I was making white rice because I was gonna eat some with some beef and I immediately turned off the stove. So I grabbed four phones and made four different account and then I was able to get the free two piece. But you have to make a minimum purchase. But the first two orders, I was able to add just 25 cents to the orders to get the free two piece. But then when I went to do the other two orders, I had to make a minimum purchase of two dollars fifty cents. I think they caught on. But either way, hello. I still got a pizza, chicken. I order two fries. I got four biscuit and four mashed potatoes. I think that’s a deal. And that’s what we add for dinner today. Going on for anybody that would wants to try it. But yeah, you can go download the app, create an account and then try getting your free KFC to piece check in abilaviz.