Summer Heatwave: Surviving the Scorching Temperatures and Welcoming a Slight Relief

So I don’t know where you live. I feel like it’s been hot everywhere, but I know the heat index here has been in the hundreds every day since summer started. So like today, the heat index I think was like 1:08,1:09. I think it was 1:08. Like when I reject, I’m gonna ride, check the weather app to see what the temperature is gonna be tomorrow because you know my kids wanna go to the pool and so I’m trying to plan anyways. It said it’s gonna be 4 degrees colder tomorrow. I don’t know why they worded it like that, like it’s 4 degrees colder, which means it’s still going to feel like it’s in the hundreds. But yeah, a whole four degrees. So it’s gonna be, well, it’s gonna feel like 1:04 at some point. So definitely like, I don’t know why they worded it like that. It just feels so strange to say 4 degrees colder whenever it’s thing. But yeah, I feel so bad for the people that actually work in this heat because it literally feels like you’re being cremated every time you walk outside. I, it’s so hot and sweaty. Like, I’m from Florida. I do not live in Florida right now, but I still live in the south. And it just I, it’s so hot in humid and gross. Like I feel like I cannot be the only person that thinks that this heat is like a different type of heat than like last year and the year before. It’s insane. But yeah, it’s gonna be four degrees colder where I am tomorrow. I’m so excited about that little cold front that we have, little 4 degrees, but.