Biscuit Making with Mama: A Southern Saturday Morning Tradition

Good morning. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning. Hey, y’all doing this morning? I’ll honor and I’ll go and be the guy for allowing us one more day, one more chance and one more opportunity. Let me tell you what I did this morning. So yeah, I decided this morning that I would make some homemade biscuits for my daughter and her husband and the children. Mother only said many. So I did about a hair preceptor pool, which is about maybe 2 cups of sapphire and flour. My son and Daniel, he doesn’t like the two ingredient biscuits, but to me they’re very good. But he wants the basic full five step biscus. He wants his mama to make him just like she made when he was growing up. All the way grandma. I’m late. I’m looking. We’re grandma, partner. So in this bowl, y’all see I have added my 2 cups of sapphizing flour. I added about we I guess tablespoons of Crisco shortening and I’m adding some milk. And I also added about a tablespoon of sugar. So I’m just mixing this and mixing on my flour and my shortening and everything together. Now that I get it mixed up, I put it on some wax paper, add a little flower to the bottom of the paper, and I’m just kneading it together. If I have to add a little bit more flour to it, but most of the time, the flower that I put on the wax paper is what I use. And I just keep rolling it into the flower until it comes together as a dough. So as you see, there’s my dough, and I’m ready to roll these out. I pick a nice size and I just roll them out and I put them in the biscuit pan. When I was a little girl growing up, yeah, I used to love to see my mama do this and I wanted to do it as a mom. Can I help? I wanna roll them out, but mine would never come out smooth. They would always be rough on the top, have some rough edges, and they would not be good. So me and my sisters, we’d learn to pat the dough down on a paper, and then we’ll get a glass, a biscuit size glass, and then we would cut the biscus out and put them in a bank. So bank, you know, they would all be even sized. So that’s what we would do. But I finally Learned, you know, down below here, she keep practicing. They say practice makes perfect. I’m gonna be, oh, perfect. But we gonna know how to do things better as we mature. So now I know how to roll them with my hands like mamadias and they use it are about the same size. So I think I made about 7 biscus this morning because I know my children are not gonna eat like that. So I’m gonna wash my hand and y’all and then I’ll come back and show y’all what I did and how the distance looked, okay, and how they turned out. So this summer is flower and shorten it off of my hands. And here we go. And I’ll show you what we get here.

Okay, so these are the biscuits that I just rolled out. And you see they’re nice and smooth on top. So I’m just petting them down a little bit so that they don’t, they cook really good and they won’t, you know, overrise.

Yeah, this is my Sugar Surf Unit interview from Down Self. You know what, sugar surface, you’re just Browning a little sugar, putting some water in it, and then a bowl until it begins. These are my biscuits. Shaw Mama Guidance, homemade Southern Mississippi Lucia and biscuits. And they turned out good. Every time. You gotta make sure that you use in the right flower, separate flower. Some people use butter in there instead of shortening. And then you can also use that to make up the wooden clean distance is also there. Friend of mistaken in the case, dance skill. He y’all, we can count you today all the way. Thanks for watching my mama go in.

Good morning. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning. Hey, y’all doing this morning? Our honor and our glory be the guy for allowing us one more day, one more chance and one more opportunity. Let me tell you what I did this morning.