Mastering the Dating Game: Strategies for Ensuring Follow-Through and Success

These guys I go on dates with, they just don’t follow up with me. I mean, I’m not going on dates with guys, but they goes, we had a great time on the date. They’re opening up. They even say we’ll make a plan and then it doesn’t happen.

Why? Okay, well, here’s what you’re gonna do. First tip, modern technology is great. You don’t have to go on a date with everyone. This is why you can talk upfront. The more work they put in upfront, the more they’re gonna have a higher chance to follow through after, right? So that’s the first thing. Be select to be naturally unavailable because the bar is gonna be high. The next thing, don’t make the dates hyperverbal where you’re talking so much. Make him talk a lot because then he’s gonna get more attached. Words are not a man’s natural language. If you do a high physical dopamine sensory activity, you’ll get more effective.

The next thing, keep the day short. Get home before sunset if you’re super classy, right? Keep him wanting more. Naturally, you should be cautious. You gotta process the information. Don’t just be taken by a super long date. You can cut it short.

I do the same thing with women, right? If I want to sleep with them or something, right? I’m gonna establish that upfront. I’m gonna be clear. So I don’t feel short changes. I wanna do more. I’m gonna express more if I think that they’re out of my league and I wouldn’t get access to them otherwise. And I’m gonna accept the role that I’m gonna have to emotionally get more, just like you guys may have to initiate after four guys that are out of your league.

The next thing on these dates, okay, with these guys, front load the fact that he has full freedom, right? Don’t be like, when am I seeing you next? All these such things give him freedom. So he has to pursue, okay, make him feel that. The next thing is, if he gives you compliments and all these things, says words that he loved you, ignore all the words. All I care about his actions. You do these things, you’re gonna be set up to never be disappointed. These guys are gonna be at your feet.