The Humble Beginnings of a Comedy Santa: Reflecting on My Early Stand-Up Comedy Debut

A year ago, I found one of the first videos of me doing Santa there, Brian, I thought at the time, I literally was like, you are a God. Like you are, you’ve invented something new called Santa. I literally thought, no one has ever done it like this. And I watch that tape and I was like, this is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. Right. In my whole life. It was just me. My thing at the time is I was so political and I’m obviously still political, but I, at the time, I would just say a political opinion and think it was a joke. I was just like 20 and I just get up there and be like, abortion should be legal. You know, you don’t know. And then they wouldn’t laugh and I’d be like, okay, Republic yet. I truly, and I was like, I’m killing you, right? If they cheered, I thought that was good. I was like, if they cheered or clapped, I was like, that’s better than laughter. That means they agree with me. I mean, it was crazy how bad I was.