Tasty Treats Review: Hidden Valley Ranch Peanuts, Gummy Bears, Smurf Surprise, and More!

Rub hands together like Berman. I love that. This is part 14, y’all. We’re gonna get started with the Hidden Valley Ranch season peanuts. Yeah, I had this before. I’ve never had these before and I love Hidden Valley Ranch. Look how seasoned these peanut tongue. These are a little salty, though, but still good.

Now we got this mystery bag of gummy bears. I don’t know if these are sugar third, if you sour. Let’s see. I don’t know why, but to me this tastes like Kool. Really good flavor. A little shower, but good flavor and good texture. I don’t even remember picking this up, but this is a Smurf surprise. Egg work. All right, we got a little lollipop. This is a tattoo or maybe some stickers and a puzzle. That’s crazy. If you want me to do the puzzle, let me know. But let’s try this lollipop based on this color. I have no idea what this flavor could be. Oh, that’s a Cola flavor lollipop. I don’t like that.

Bisco Lotta Duo, Max Hazel Nut and then two individually wrapped little chocolate bar thingies. Tries like a little waveform. Really good chocolate. I like this banana blueberry toxic waste nuclear fusion candy. I expected this to be sour, but it definitely tastes like banana and blueberry. Oh, woo. This actually starts to get sour. Perfect, team.