Step-by-Step Guide: Applying for Spanish Nationality as a British Citizen

Another great question. I’m gonna go through the process bit by bit. This is how I applied for Spanish nationality. First of all, I’m gonna assume two or three things. First of all, that you speak at least an A2 level of Spanish. Secondly, that you’re a British passport holder. If you’re not British passport holder, this process might be different for you. Thirdly, that you’ve been lived in Spain at least 5 years and that you already have a tie card, which is that Taheta extra heros.

If you type into Google nationally dad Espanyola for residential, it comes up with the ministerial and this is the website that you need to go to. You just click on that link and it will give you all the information. But I’m now going to go through each bit of paperwork you will need. Get your paperwork ready before you start doing the actual solicitude on the website. Any documents that you have that are not actual, that in Spanish, you’re gonna have to get translated by an official translator. Now, if you search on Google for official translators in Spain, there is a list on the government website, and you just pick someone that can officially translate English into Spanish for you in your area.

So I needed my birth certificate translated and also I had to get what’s called an antecedentist penalties, which is like a DBS check for England. And because I haven’t lived in England for 23 years, actually longer than that, cuz I lived in Greece as well before that, I had to get it from Accra. So I had to get an Accra certificate. And then once you’ve got that form, you have to get an apostole to say that it is correct. You can do that again, some of the government website in England online, it’s useful to have someone in the UK that can post and receive paperwork for you. It’s a little bit easier to get stuff posted back to the UK.

On the Spanish side, you need your empathetic miendo, which you see your certificate from the local town hall to say that you live there and they should say how long you’ve lived where you live. Hopefully it should be five years. You might also need your t I a card, which you’ll need to have a scan of the front and back of it. And you will need your antecedentist penalties for Spain as well. You can apply for that through the said electronica. It cost you nothing. And then download it. So that’s in Spanish. You don’t need it translated. You have your English documents. You need to get the apostole done on those. And then you need to get them translated by an official translator. Your Spanish documents, you just need them scan. On top of that, you’re going to have to do a scan of your passport to send. That doesn’t need to be translated, and you will need to do a language test, an official language test, which is either the Nationality Language Test exam, which you can do, or any officially recognized language exam in Spain, which could be one from the Esquire EOI or you can do a CLA exam or any exam from the Instituto des Cervantes. I did a B2. You only need an A2 to actually apply. Then you need to do your nationality exam. Now, this is done by the institute and there’s only one exam we can do. It’s done in various parts. So go on their website, search for the examiner, and you can get that exam wherever you live. It costs about €75. It’s a multiple choice exam and there is a free app you can download to practice for the exam on your phone. It’s very easy. It’s just a case of memorizing all the information. To be honest, depending on where you do your Spanish language exam, that could be a bit more expensive. The CLF, for example, cost me about, I think it was 180 euros. And the Escala Didiomex exam I did was that’s about 30 or 40 euros. But it only comes out once a year. So depending on when you need the exam, how long you can wait to get it, once you’ve got all your paperwork sorted out, everything ready, you need to go back to the page that showed you at the beginning. You need to just scroll down a little bit and you click Thrammy test online solicit to the nationally data Espanyola for residents. Yeah, and up comes this page.

Now, before you do all of this, you will also need to have a digital stiffica. It will make your life a lot easier. So you need to look into, if you haven’t got one of those, getting one of those, and then you got all this information and it says, you know, Telematica competitor. You click that and then you will need to put in, it gives you information. You will need to have your out of firama or your online digital stiffer so you can try Natasha on online. You click that, then it will ask you for your certificate. Mines not installed on my iPad, so I can’t answer now. But basically you just access, you could access with Le identifier, sorry. This does your digital stipcut or you can use a clevemo no mobile, which I’ve got as well, which is an app on the App Store, which will give you a code.

So once you enter on that website, all you have to do is upload all you documents in PDF form. So make sure you have everything scanned and in PDF beforehand. You will actually need to digitally sign each document and you upload it and then it gets sent off to the minister. The other the in there in tear the odd and then you just wait for a reply and you’re given a code and you can access to see what the progress is on your application. So I hope that’s useful for you if you’ve got any more questions and put them in the comments and don’t forget to like and follow because it helps me. Bye bye.