Confessions of a Sandal Lover: The Ultimate Comfortable Footwear

Hello, it’s me again. Oh, no. What is that perfume? I’ve got a pair of shoes. I’m so sorry. I literally can’t help it. But you know me and my Jesus sandals, we get along anyway. I’ve got these. And when I tell you they’re the most comfortable shoe that you will literally ever put on your foot.

I said it about the black pair, and now I have a cream pair. I took these to understand with me and I wore them every single day and they’re comfortable, more comfortable than trainers, especially when it’s hot and your feet are swelling, phase ones. And I have no shame because I’m gonna wear them today.

I’m only going to Tico Max, but I do wear sandals and socks, judge. We all we want. I literally have only just come up back from Amsterdam and I’m feeling extremely worse for wear. So it’s a socks and sandals kind of die. I’m afraid I’m gonna say it again a million times. I can’t remember what the brand is, but I’m gonna link them down below. I have like 6 pairs of their shoes. Now. You won’t get better than these, trust me, honey. Honestly. Yes.