Finding Success Through the Music Business Back Door: My Journey in Writing Raps for Radio Stations

I have the way of how I got into the music business that people always think that, you know, my dad was in the business and he did this for me. And none of that actually is actually the truth. I actually started like writing raps for a radio station, and I just paid attention to the fact that if I write a jingle for the radio station, they might play my jingle. And they don’t, it’s nothing for them to play them play a jingle because it doesn’t look like a artist is trying to be a rapper, right? So it’s a sneak way for you to get into the music business or a sneak way for people in your city to hear you. If I couldn’t go through the front door, I’m gonna go through the side. I’m gonna go through the window, right? Because the some of my window was always open. Yeah, you just gotta find which window in the house to slide through.