From Miami to Mexico: A Surprise Journey to Remember

Hey, guys, we’re officially leaving the States again and we’re heading back out. But you have no idea where you’re going. So this is exciting. But we’re actually currently walking through the Miami airport right now.

Yes. All of this is considered like a carry on and a personal item, which is really nice. And I never have to pay for bags when traveling unless I’m traveling with like a budget airline. And we even have to pay for a carrier. Literally just been lying on the floor for like the past two hours and we’re boarding soon.

Okay, we’ve just boarded the plane. I’m so excited. I’m literally like in the back of the plate. My hair could take me pretty empty. So I’m proud him this whole road to myself. People are empty. The brains and I boarded in Zone 5 and there’s seven zones. We’ll see. Since web and airplanes play music, I think we may swear because I’m so cold.

I’ve been waiting on the plane for lying 35 minutes because they forgot to fill up the plane with fuel. So now we’re just waiting for them to actually get this airplane gas so we can fly, too. Yeah, you know. Well, it looks like they’re filling up the fuel, super filling up the plane with fuels. Hopefully I don’t miss my connection. Think fine. He just land.

Hey, guys, I made it tomorrow, today, next week coming up. I had no idea where to go. So I asked a girl and she told me on Spanish, which is really closing. Okay, I’m about for my last fight. This is crazy. Hey guys, I’m a little bit in. I’m not gonna told you yet. Gonna wait. I just got to. I need to find my room and I’ll get back. Gosh, this is actually unreal that I’m here right now. Okay, guys, now that I made it to my place, it’s time to announce to you that I am in. Cuz I’m back inside Fleeta, Mexico. This actually doesn’t seem real at all. Like I feel like I’m in a dream place. Wake up. This is insane. How am I here right now? Like, actually, I wasn’t supposed to come back here till the end of the year and nobody knows except one person that I’m here. So this is gonna be super fun to surprise my friends as well, because no one knows I wasn’t supposed to come back here, but literally my heart is here. I freaking love it here right now. I’m just gonna shower and relax. I may text my friend and be like, hey, when I go get food, cuz I literally haven’t eaten all time, right? We’ll see what she responds by saying. Cuz obviously it could get. Go for some good freaking tacos and my favorite taco place here inside. Back inside. You need mine.