Review and Recommendation: Tubing Mascara – Buy One, Get One Free

Video is not about a hair mask. This video is actually about mascara. This mascara that I want to repurchase. I saw there is a listing for a buy one, get one free. Excuse me, do this quickly and then I will show you my lashes. Click back, put that hair in a ponytail. Okay, so one of these things on its own is $27. I’ll tell you, I’ve been using this for over a month and I can get away with using it for longer, but I’m kind of weird with wanting to switch out and only use a tubing mascara per month because it’s your eyeballs, you know, is a tubing mascara. So when you go to take it off, it doesn’t kind of like run down your facing, if you like the raccoon eyes. Once you get it wet, it just slides right off like a sock sliding off a foot. It’s crazy. During this for at least 10 hours today, I’ll link the buy one, get one free deal below on TikTok and let me know how you like it.