Adventures in Boredom: A Tale of Love, Laughter, and Aspirations

All right. So what do you like to do for fun? Well, I like to read at home. Oh, my God, you’re so boring. But wait, you can’t steal that. Come on, man. Then the rules a little bit once in your life. Oh, have some fun. Oh, we’ll be right back to the show. I’m Disney Channel.

Do you really think I could get Mindy to go on a date with me? You know, mathematically speaking, the odds really aren’t in your favor. You’re right. But do you like her? Do you really like her? I guess. Well, then, as my great grandpa would say, screw the Mac, go for it. You’re right. Watch Manny’s new videos every day at seven PM Eastern. See you tomorrow.

The moment that I’m doing fine, you guys are on my mind. You ask me what I wanted to be. Now think cancer is plain sea? I wanna be famous.