Title: Embracing Self-Forgiveness: A Journey to Compassion and Mental Health

We are living at a time when this is so much focus on self care, self love. And the way we show self care is, you know, the makeup, the skincare routines, the travel, they getting in shape, that shopping and all that. And it is amazing because we are more and more showing love and care to ourselves.

But is a form of self care that must start from inside, which is something that I am learning. And at the top of the that list from therapy, one thing that I’m learning is self forgiveness. You never know how much resentment you hold for yourself until you start digging through what it is that is going on with your mental health, the failures, the mistakes, the missed opportunities that haunt you. And you find yourself like I find myself, that I have been so hard on myself throughout the years. I have been so holding credits with myself because of mistakes that I’ve made, because of opportunities that I’ve missed, because of decisions that I’ve made, because of mistakes that I’ve made. So you come to learn that slowly by slowly, you must learn the act of self forgiveness. We’re told to forgive others, but it must also start from within. You must also start by forgiving yourself for the mistakes that you’ve made in this life, for the bad decisions that we’ve made in this life, for those people that we were in relationships with that we had no business being in relationships with them.

So the opportunities that we’ve missed because of our bad decisions, that has been one of the most challenging things for me. And by just gardening and being in my garden and taking care of my plants, I find myself reflecting a lot. And it is true, my therapist says find a hobby that brings out your. Invoice shot saud critical min voice is oleh gogogo drive and you focus on nya inch on your voice that. Helps you find a deeper meaning to your life. And so when I’m walking on the plants or I’m digging or I’m walking on the soil and just making them look beautiful. I find myself, I shut off my over thinking. I shut off my critical voice and I can focus on the internal voice of me, of Vienna. And we have a discussion like, yes, we made a lot of decisions and miss takes that have led to where we are right now in life.

So what do we do from here? Do we keep beating ourselves? Do we keep criticizing ourselves? Do we keep stomping on ourselves and showing ourselves no compassion? Or do we learn from our past mistakes? Our past bad decisions are past troubles, and be able to forge ahead to a better line. Self forgiveness isn’t something that happens overnight because mistakes will always be made. There will always be problems to solve. There will always be bad decisions. There will always be missed opportunities in life. Eh the home service bersubidi compassion itself b listen to your self in have kindness for yourself. It is such a huge part of mental health to be kind to yourself, to be compassion, self compassion.

Why are you compassionate with everyone else? Like I keep asking myself that. Why am I compassionate with everyone else in the world but not myself? If I make a mistake, I’m very critical about myself. Oh, my God, I wore my sweat inside out. But anyway, if I make a mistake, I am not co.

I am so critical of myself. I, I just, I criticize myself. I resent myself. Why is that? And I know that failure is button puzzle of being alive, making mistakes, this pattern puzzle of being alive, bad decisions.

I’m a human being. I’m learning as I grow, and I will never stop making bad decisions. There never be a day that I will be perfect. So holding myself accountable, sure, but loving to forgive myself, learning to be compassionate with myself.

So as I go to the new week today, Sunday, as I go to the new week and I continue garden therapy and just thinking and holding myself accountable, sure, but also being compassionate with myself. I continue to learn the beauty and the importance of self forgiveness. Forgive yourself. You just a human being, you know, born knowing everything. Neither will you ever get to a point where you know everything. That’s why we see even the big people, the big stars, the big entrepreneur is make mistakes and they’re like, guy, yes, because they are still human beings. We. Weakness, we have strength and weakness. OK. Habis hari angkot desio in the New York.