How I Bought My Last Property with $0 Down: Creative Financing Strategies Revealed

This is how I bought my last sectioning riddle. With $0 out of pocket, I bought five sectioning Reynolds, my first 30 days investing, and I’m gonna show you how I bought my last property with $0 down.

This may sound too good to be true, but there are multiple ways to do it. These are my two favorites. No. 1 is creative financing. Usually with the stress sellers, you can find a way for the seller to actually carry a note. That means you’ll treat them like the bank. And No. 2 is partnering for the down payment, where someone with a good amount of money pays for the entire down payment. And you also look profits 50 for this last one, it was a creative financing year. If you want to know exactly how I got into purchasing real estate at 21 with $0 down DME blueprint on Instagram.