The Haunting Next Door: A Terrifying Encounter with the Unknown

A few years ago, I rented a house in the countryside. My neighbors were a married couple named Lisa and Michael. They had two young children, a boy and a girl. They were a nice, quiet family and pretty much kept themselves.

One night I was awakened by a blood curdling scream. It sounded like it was coming from the house next door. I jumped out of bed through all my dressing gown and ran downstairs. When I got to my front gate, two small figures came flying at me. You know, I realized it was the kids who live next door, but I was stunned by their appearance. The boy was in his pajamas and the little girl was in a night. Their faces were definitely pale and they looked up at me with terror in there. Nice. Both kids held on to me and began to cry. Their mother came rushing towards us and I could see that she was terrified as well. What happened? I asked. I heard screams. There’s someone in our house, Lisa gasped. Her voice was shaking with fear. Michael, I heard, is your husband in their husband car? I heard someone in the kitchen. I was too afraid to go and check. Then I heard someone climbing the stairs and I heard the door to my children’s back true opening. Then I heard my and my daughter screaming. It was terrible. I immediately got the kids and we ran out. Did you see who it was? I asked. No, I’d the children run out of the bedroom. I didn’t dare to check it. Please help us. We need to call the police.

I looked at the children, still trembling with fear. Where’s that father, I asked. He’s working the night shift, Lisa said. I told them to go into my house and call the police. She thanked me, took her children by the hand and ran to my house. I decided to check their house. The front door was standing open and it was dark and silent. All of a sudden, I felt it, cold chill under my spine. I had the strangest feeling that somebody was watching me. Don’t know what came over me, but at that moment, I was very scared of the unknown, scared of what might be lurking inside the darkened house. Pull yourself together, I muttered. You’re not a child anymore.

I started to walk up the garden path, but then I saw something that made me stop in my tracks. Click one of the upstairs windows. The light suddenly came up. The house was supposed to be empty. I looked up at the license window, but I didn’t see anything. There’s something up, the little voice in my head whispered. And it’s not afraid of being found. In fact, it wants you to find it. You in.

I tried to tell myself I was just being silly. How stupid was it for an adult man. I’m surprised, though, it was a woman, to be afraid to go into a house because he’s afraid of ghosts. Glad to end off the hell, I thought, and took a few steps back. I still did not see anything in the darkness, but I felt goosebumps rising on my skin. Click, light turned on again when I looked up at the window, my heart skipped to beat.

There was a dark figure standing there. It was a woman. Her skin was taut and shriveled, and her hair was long and unkempt. She looked like a corpse. She just stared back at me with her hollow, empty eye sockets and she smiled, dead smile. The light went out, turned and ran back to my house. When I got to my front door, I banged on it until the neighbor lady let me. She looked at me with a mixture of fear and anxiety. My face was pale and my eyes were so frightened that the children began to cry again. Water, I panted. I need water at least a crab to glass filled it with my, with water and handed it to me. I really want some water now. I downed it in one gulp. My heart was pounded and I had broken into a cold sweat. I was afraid that I was having a heart attack.

Did you call the police? I asked, trying to pull myself together. They’re on the way, she said. Did you check the house? Let’s just wait for the place. They searched the house from top to bottom, but they didn’t find anyone. There was nobody there at all. The police questioned the neighbors, but nobody had seen or heard anything. When they questioned me, I didn’t tell them what I’d seen. What could I tell them? That I’d seen a dead woman in the window smiling and on earth Italy smile, no one would believe me. The police eventually finished up their business and left me to take care of more important things.

Around 7 o’clock in the morning, the woman’s husband came home. The children were glad to see him, and together the family returned to their house. I tried not to look over at that house, especially at that upstairs window. After that crazy night, I began to have trouble sleeping. Weird. As soon as I close my eyes, I’d see the face of the dead woman. And then life seemed to kind of get back to normal. The neighbors gradually managed to forget all about the incident. Nobody screamed during the night, and I didn’t see any dead body.

Staring in windows. Everything seems to be back on track and life was good. But one evening a month later, I heard someone knocking at my door. The knock was loud and strong, banging and banging, as if they were going to break down my door. I looked through the people and saw the neighbor lady. I opened the door and found a standing there grinning at me. What happened, I asked. She didn’t reply. She just smiled and walked straight past me. She went into my house and turned left into the living room. She left me standing on the doorstep dumbfounded. That fake smile on my face or nerved me. It was so creepy, almost inhuman. It made me shiver from head to toe. It was dark outside and no birds were singing. I was about to follow her inside when I heard voices coming from the house next door. And save the fence, I saw the neighbor of children playing in the front yard. Then I froze. Lisa was there. She was standing there in a front yard playing with the children. I couldn’t move. It felt that my entire body was paralyzed with fear. And then the little voice in my head was asking one question, if Alisa is over there, then who is in my living room? I didn’t stop to check. I immediately went to the house next door and ask my neighbors to call to police. Two officers arrived and search my house from top to buff Bob bathroom, but I didn’t find anything. So how could they? The only person that was inside my house was a dead woman. The next morning, I left the house and I didn’t come back.

Now I live in a city where there are more live people than less and less dead, I heard that my former neighbors, Michael and Luisa, moved out soon after I left. I asked around him. One of my friends said they thought their house was haunted. I tried to laugh along with him, but I couldn’t even muster a smile.