Transforming My Monthly Layout: A Step-by-Step Guide Using Digital Stickers

Today, I’m going to walk you through how I took my monthly layout from this to this. So I am going to be using two different digital sticker packs. One is my may one, which is where most of the, because they’re gonna come from, as well as the journal sentiments one for the days here.

The first thing I’m gonna do is go ahead and cover up may. So I’m gonna use my lasso too. I’m gonna circle any white portion on my template, gently tap, and then I’m gonna take a screenshot. You’re gonna get this white one here, hit this share button and just save as an image. So now when you go to your image in your toolbar, it’ll be the first one that pops up there. And you’re just gonna resize it, cover up whatever it is you want to cover up. In this example, we’re covering up may. So that wants to use a different sticker for that.

So now I’m going to go to my main bookish stickers and I’m going to grab the main one that I want to use, which is this one. We’ll use my image to double tap copy, bring it back to my general long code, select pace. And then I’m going to resize it. So you can resize it with elastic tool.

I like to do most of my resizing with my image too, just because you can determine how wide as well as long a sticker is. I think you just get it more precise resize like so I do want to cover up the days as well. And you can use a white sticker, but I want to pop a color. So I’m just going to grab a different sticker for that. And for this one, I believe I use this purple one. So the same thing, double tap copy goes to my read in general one old and I’m gonna paste.

Now you can actually split your screen, which is take a pack. So you can select the one you want. See this little window here? It’ll say open a new window and you’ll see it’ll split your screen here and you can drag and drop the stickers. I prefer to work on my surface with a full screen is just a personal preference, which is why you don’t see that I do this when it comes to my digital stickers and setting in my reading journal. But it is an option if you wanna do that. I’m not.

So again, I’m gonna say use my image tool just so I can make it a little bit wider to cover up everything I wanted to cover. And you do wanna be careful cuz when you make one side longer, it’ll also get longer on that side. So you don’t wanna over extend it. But I just wanna make sure that no white part is showing. So I’m not particular about a lot of stuff, but there are some things that just needs to be kind of perfect set up. That’s fine.

Next up is I’m going to go to my journal sentiments and I’m gonna go ahead, use my lasso too, and I’m gonna circle up all the days that I wanna use. So last, so everything circle, gently tap, then I copy, go back to my reading journal. Same thing along, hold and paste.

Now I’m going to resize it. I’m going to bring it to the top to see how it fits in a box. This is just so I can see how much I wanna resize a smaller, bigger one. And then I’m just going to go ahead and add in my days.

Now I use a Monday start when it comes to my everyday planner, but I do use a Sunday start from my journal. I don’t know why. What about you guys? You prefer a Monday start or a Sunday start for your planner?

I’m curious. So now that’s all set. I’m going to do the same thing for my numbers. Actually, gotta go back to grab my make sticker since I did close it out and gonna do the same exact thing that I did with the day. So I’m just use my lasers tools to circle all of my numbers like so gently tap copy back to my region journal on codes and paste kind of slow. And then I’m going to put it in a box just to see how big or small I want it as I receive size it. And I think that’s good. And just put the numbers where they need to be. And I’m actually not gonna do all of this right here, cuz it is the same thing. Just add it in. So all of the boxes, I’m just now I’m just gonna go ahead and I’m going to grab this same purple sticker that I use for the top. So put it on the bottom because if you add on nothing else, yeah, I know that I like symmetry. If you see any of my digital reading channel spreads, you’ll see that I usually do the same thing that I do at the top of the bottom. I do wanna make this a little bit wider cuz I wanted to cover the bottom of the calendar as well as the words. So done a little bit and voila. So this section is usually for my anticipated may releases, but because add them to paying attention, I’m just going to use this section as a book call. So I’m going to grab the book call sticker just right here. So just copy that long codes and paste. Now, because the book hall is purple, the same color of the sticker, I wanna grab another sticker just to act as a back ground. So I believe I did just this circle green circle sticker there, even though the orange might be cute. Let me see how the orange looks. Sense my copy that paste the orange. Just see how the orange looks.

Now I know what a sticker this one. So I’m gonna copy it from there. So I have to go back to my sticker page. Tastes just kind of cute. So now as I buy books, I’m just going to add them into this right here just to keep track of what I read. And I’m gonna grab my make TBR sticker. Sure. From a sticker pack. Happy. So I have this one.

There’s another one that I was kind of debating on whether or not, which is this nice little floral one, but I’m gonna stick to the original spread layout a resize it. And now I did a little bit of Florida core at the top. So I’m going to grab the flower that I used in the other stick girl that the layout and I was this purple one here. I’m gonna copy that pace and you can resize it smaller or bigger depending on what you want. And now you see how the sticker is covering at may. I’m just going to double tap on may, hit this arrange option there, and just bring it to the front. So now may is on top of the flower there. Now I’m just basically going to copy and paste this all across the top is that I’m gonna use my lasso too. And I’m going to just lasso this jelly tab. Copy. I’m gonna go to the bottom, paste this, and then I’m just going to. Okay, I got rid of that. So I’m just gonna have to circle it again. Henry size and this little blue one here to flip it around and then add it to the bottom. It’s a long and just says it and place it where I want to.

Now for my book covers, I just split the screen with Safari and I go on Google and I look up any book covers that I have, make sure that images, select it, hold it down, drag and drop, and then go ahead and resize it. So I’m not gonna do that for all of the bugs, but that’s how I get my book covers within the spread. And that is basically it. I think I had one little decorative stick there for the blink spots there. I don’t remember what it was. Oh, I think it was this little flower. You can get a lot more creative or not as creative if you’re not and so as busy. So it’s completely up to you. You can use digital stickers like I’m using. You can use images from Pinterest and things like that to spruce it up. But that’s basically how I did the layout. That is the basics. And once you get this done, you can have as much fun as you like. Hope this help if you have any other questions, go ahead, let me know. Okay, bye.