Quarterback Career Journey: Chasing Success and Super Bowls

Alright, yesterday we did it after our run. Today we’re doing it before I run. Will we have a better career than Lamar Jackson? Oh, let’s get it. All right. Yesterday they played us. We didn’t have a better career than Aaron Jones. But today we taking over and we start in an older game. I love that start. I love that start. They may not have the best quarterbacks, but we about to turn it up seven. This is, oh, my god. Here we go again. Here we go again. Last time we started. I like this man. We ended up did have a better career than Russell Wilson. So drafted to where Russell Wilson was drafted to. They love their third round quarterbacks and oh, my god, we coming out the gate with 4,000 yards. Okay, 26 and 17. That’s like Baker Mayfield. That’s why Baker may feel for a year. We loved it.

You know what? We’re gonna stay in Seattle. They got a good track record of third round quarterback doing a thing, 31 touchdowns and 10 interceptions almost and 46 hundred yards. Let’s go. You know, the home team needed. We going to Cleveland, sorry, Seattle. We up out of him man. And of course you okay about the same. I thought we was gonna turn up a little bit more than that, but we didn’t. We ain’t going nowhere. So we staying with the current team. Don’t even matter the bread. We are home now. Oh, very consistent. Very consistent. I’m not gonna be too mad at this. It’s gonna come down to if we have more Super Bowls in Lamar, because we know he can get. Actually, we’ve got a better career than Lemar Jackson right now just off the strength that our PA, our quarterback stats are better than his. He can’t even throw for over 3,000 yards. We’re staying with the bronze for the rest of our career. Like he can’t even throw over 3,000 yards and we get 4,000 every trip. Now our quarter, our touchdowns can be a lot better. Are we running quarterback too? man, what’s up? Can we ain’t gonna receive this in Cleveland. I’m staying with Cleveland now. I, I, I. It is what it is. I’m committed, man. Oh, we should got a party here. Oh, we should got a party here. Oh, my goodness. Pittsburgh, not a chance in hell. It is what it is. Let’s rock out. Let’s see the stats, 72 career high superballs. Do we got any? Oh, ma, you gotta be kidding me.