Day 2 of My Smile Whitening Strip Journey: A Progress Update

Right. This is day 2 of the my smile whitening strip journey. Yesterday when I put them on, I wasn’t sure which way round it goes. I didn’t realize that at the top here, it actually tells you that one is the upper and that one is the lower. So we’re gonna do it right today. We’re gonna put them on. We’ll start with this one. We’ll do the 30 minutes that it says, and then we’ll go from there. So, you know, put this on the lower like that, fold it over and get the top one like so. Line up, fold it over, and I will come back in 30 minutes time. We’ll see how they’re getting on.

But this is day two of the whitening journey, right? So I’ve just done it for the 30 minutes as suggested. As you can see, it’s all firming up and doing its job. Let’s take a look.

What do you think? I think that they’ve definitely got a little bit whiter already. And so that’s Day 2 of the my Smile Challenge as such. And if you wanna get involved and get your own teeth whining strips, just click the link down below and see what offer they give you. Cuz sometimes they give you a good discount. Cuz there’s loads of TikTok vouchers going around. So click them now and follow along with me.