Vintage Mason Jar Pitcher: Refreshing Strawberry Mint Lemonade Recipe

This is a half a gallon vintage. It’s called a Mason jar pitcher, comes with this lid. The lid has a great seal on it here. And this little pop top fits very nicely, 64 ounces.

And I made a little strawberry mint lemonade, add 3 cups of sliced strawberries, a cup of sugar, three cups of water. I bring this to a boil bowl for five minutes. We’re gonna pick a cup and a half of fresh mint leaves, lemons from the lemon tree. Turn off the heat, add your mint, cover off the heat for 30 minutes. You’re gonna need a cup and 3/4 of fresh lemon juice. Strain all that goodness out. What is all? Strain. Let it cool. Alright, into our pitcher. Lemon juice, water. Gonna need maybe 3 cups, almost 3 cups of water. And some lemon zest.