Beautifully Curated Wigs: A Wig Lix Showcase

Wig lix wiehanna. Okay, I will be selling some wigs that I have done promo with that I just don’t wear and they’re so cute that like I’m struggling to let them go, but I just, I don’t wear them. I’ve worn them like one time, did a video on them and they just like they stay inside the box. So catch this wig leg. Check these wigs out right here. So we got this really beautiful loose, curly one blue list with the wakeband. Let me pop it on so y’all can see it. All right, guys. So she’s super cute. We’re gonna call her feel like a Puerto Rican, literally beautiful. So this one right here is very similar to my last one. That is a loose curl, but it’s a longer, tighter curl. Okay, super supernatural vibe, we’re gonna call her Tanya. Tanya’s great if you do corporate. Tanya is great if you’re looking for just something to once again shake and go, this is great for you to wear work. You can wear this out. You know what I’m saying? Like I said, these wigs were used for promo like one time. So it’s hard to let this one go. Glue less. You can make her extremely straight. You can curl her, do whatever you want. This wig is literally beautiful, ready to go. Like I said, this is a wig lick. So these wigs are 100 and under.

Okay, the prices will be on my website. I’m gonna put these on my website just because I feel like it would be easier for you to just go click the link in my bio, go to my website. It will be on the genres and website. Y’all click get your wig and I’ll be uploading some more wigs that I have a whole bunch of beautiful wigs. Like I said, human hair, clueless, shake and go. Ready to go? Come on.