Ultimate Whining Kit: A Guide to Teeth Whitening and Desensitizing

Guys, I got the best tag team whining kit. Okay, so you get a guide, a little shader to tell you how gross your teeth are in a little welcome card. Welcome to our community. So cute. Awesome.

Once again, instruction manual, all that jazz, everything it comes with. You get three whitening gels and then this is the desensitizing gel. Again, I don’t know what this is used for, what it does, but I know that this is the whitening serum. Get your charging cable and stuff is actually pretty sweet. I thought it was gonna be like cheaper feeling than it was, but I mean, feels legit. Doesn’t feel like crappy. This feels pretty cool too. And it’s like touch activated. You hold it for two seconds there. She blows and then you hit it again and then it turns. The red color comes on and I’m gonna shut off. Can do the gel, you brush into it and then you do this for 10 minutes. The charger, apparently it takes, doesn’t take too long to charge, but you just, it’s magnetic. You just snap it right on there, just like that. Nice and easy. You just plug it into just any brick. It’s got USB. Hey guys, I’m gonna be doing the 7 day trial. So stick around and see the progress that comes from that.