Embracing Spiritual Intelligence: Finding Clarity and Validation Within

Can you give yourself permission to be here right now with no sort of definition or understanding of what’s gonna happen in the future and no sort of understanding of what your emotions currently are.

You are so smart right now, right here. You don’t need more information on X, y and Z. You can follow your spiritual intelligence. It’s really important that you do. And the only way to do so is if you slow down and give yourself enough permission to feel everything that you need to feel. In this way, you start to validate your experience. And the more that you start to go inward and validate yourself, the easier that connections become and the easier that it becomes to make decisions in your life. But if you’re not willing to go in and do that, then you’re gonna keep having these moments where you don’t have clarity and you feel too heavy and you’re overwhelmed and you’re feeling numb and you’re trying to be happy, but you’re not really happy.