Influencer-Approved Bargains: A TikTok Shop Haul Under $100

You wanna know what happens when the influencer gets influenced? Girl, they finally got me. I spent under $100 on TikTok Shop and look at what I got. I got a full body wax and my chest hates the wax. This mask is not from TikTok Shop. It’s from 111 skin and it’s perfection. I only bring this mask out on special occasions because it’s firming and lifting this sheet actually works. I honestly don’t know what took me so long to get one of these and not one. And it was under $20. I was like, you know what, why not? You can hear me a little more clearly, hopefully.

BK Beauty Brush bought that concealer brush. I do like how it is. It’s extremely soft to the touch. It’s pretty dense. I use this for a 17 brush to do my concealer. But every time, every single time I open TikTok, this brush is always there. So I was like, you know what, girl, let me give you a chance. And so when I tell you, I better have no under eye when I use this.

Speaking of brushes, the bane of my existence is cleaning my brushes. This is gonna sound extremely tacky and judge me if you want, but I sometimes won’t clean my brushes. I will go out and buy a new one. Sound extremely wasteful and extremely tacky. And I understand that. I will take my lashings for it. But before you guys chew me out for spending 30,40 dollars on a brush and replacing it instead of washing it, my favorite brush is $7. It is the Elf Ultimate Blending Brush. I have maybe 10 of these. When I talk about a multi purpose brush, this is a concealer, eyeshadow, full face foundation, contour. Like all of your cream products, this brush, $7. Best brush ever to avoid being wasteful, I bought the makeup brush cleaner. Supposed to be like an automatic cleaner. You just like stick your brushes in there and it does all the work for you. Have. Yeah, so you’re like supposed to like put your brushes, I guess you put your brushes through this thing and it like spins and washes them for you. So I’m gonna try it tonight because a couple of my brushes are dirty right now.

I go through the powder puffs like crazy. I love a good undereye. I love powder. And my t zone get shiny in my smile lines, always a shiny. So I keep powder puffs in my pocket, in my purse, in my car, it everywhere.

I don’t know how many is in here, but this was like 399 like TikTok shop ate that my light just died. I bought a bonnet. I’m in the process of growing my hair out. I want to take care of it. This is the bonnet that you can like tie in the front or whatever. I probably won’t sleep with this, but I’m gonna try. Was a two pack. I think it was $2, you know, I bought that chin strap thing off of the double chin. Okay, listen, I’m a diva of a particular size and the chain is definitely starting to become a thing. So, you know, anything that’ll help I’ma do.

Now on the topic of fitness and image and body size. I felt victim and I bought that this thing, the like ad roller thing, it comes with a little pad. I bought that. I also bought the stair stepper with the resistance bands. She’s cute. She definitely works. You put the Parkers on and you step on this girl, please. And then I just started buying because, you know, the, you know what the thing is, I’ve resisted TikTok shop for so long, girl. I’m not getting involved in this. Stay out of my pockets. Stay on my pocketbook.

What do I always say to y’all? I am a marketer’s wet dream. They gave me a 50% off coupon. I was like, girl, you say half off to me. I’m there. I’m take this mask off now. Okay. Look at how do we. And then when she sets in, it’s over. That’s how they got me 50% off. They gave me a 50% off coupon. I was like, girl, you tell me 50% off. I’m in that thing.

I got a car vacuum. As you guys know, I live in New York, but I happen to be in New York who drives and I love my car. I love my baby steel. So I got a car vacuum. I eat in my car. I’m not gonna lie to you. Like I’ll be in be patties in my car all the time and there’s always Patty crumbs on the floor. The Patty crumbs be everywhere. They be on the floor, they be under the seat, they be in the middle of the seat, fries being their girl. A lot goes on. But I do get my car washed once a week. But now that I have a little car vacuum, you know, in between, you know, getting a cup holder, getting between the seats, you know, hide the evidence.

It’s about that octo buddy thing. I’m just like, I still use a tripod and like lights on a stand, but you know, I wanna be one of the people who sticks their phone up at the gym. Sticks their phone up somewhere, you know, shake my hips or something, you know, do what the girls do. So I bought a lot of buddy as well. All of that stuff under $100. If you are currently resisting TikTok shop, keep resisting them until they hit you. Definitely percent off coupon and then run that up. Don’t say I never put you on.