Exploring the Depths: Navigating Offshore Fishing and Marine Environments

I are doing a day. We gotta, we went to church today and went out the sonings barbecue, came home this grocery shopping, whatnot. But I’ve been reading online about, you know, tryna figure out, don’t stop about offshore and fishing. And I’m going through these numbers right here on here. And, you know, like trying to figure out Dolphin Island, how far you gotta go out to get to deeper water, a bigger fish, you know, and tryna figure all this out. And I didn’t realize I was 12 miles offshore the other day with all my kids and everybody. The ships is 12 miles from Dolphin Island. So if I did 12 months, that easy and it wouldn’t be nothing to do a good 30 or 40 miles to catch some good fish. Sorry. And you need to get Alisa power out to get to good blue water. 50 miles. But I’m opposed to the limit next time. I know. Trying to get on so many better numbers right here and be more prepared with the right poles and everything. You know, I’m a, I’m gonna get about four now. I could be Rome, but Venice is like the fishing capital. And you wonder like, why is it’s such good fisioner? You know, you see the continental shelf as it drops, and I could be wrong about all this, but it drops down and gets deeper quicker. As far as you come out the dolphin island, you gotta come way out here for the shelf start dropping down deeper water.

I can zoom in a little bit. I’m just, I’m willing to soak up any knowledge about this as I can because I want to know where to go, where not to go, the do’s and don’ts. And I want, I just want to learn more about it. I’ll soak up any knowledge anybody wants to share here. You pay attention, that red line, that’s everywhere I’ve been already. And I just reached out to 12 miles right here. So that’s 12 miles, 30 miles is giving me about right in here somewhere. And those, you don’t know how this works. That’s never been on a boat, you like literally pick a waypoint, pick one of these dots, and then it’ll keep you in a straight line and you’ll come up on one of these reefs. And as you get closer to zoom in, and then you’ll get right on top of that, Rick, you split your screen and you start marking fish. And, you know, you get on a good wreck, good reef, and you can see if there’s a lot of fish on the bottom or not. If they’re on the bottom, they’re halfway up, however. But that’s just little stuff I Learned along my way. And I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I think it’s pretty cool stuff.