Mastering the Art of Seduction: A Guide for Confident Women

Seduction from start. Okay, a man is not gonna pass that up, I promise you. Cuz that’s all he thinks about. Bring it up. When a man walks up to you and say hello, the first thing you need to do is you need to lick your lips. Yes, I said it to give us, we’re like, oh, hi, how are you? You know, give them something, you know, and put your hand out like you’re a lady. Don’t just say, hi, how are you? Hi, how are you? Let him feel how soft your skin is. If he’s a gentleman, he’s gonna grab your hand, he’s gonna make contact, he’s gonna feel some type of energy, you know what I’m saying? Don’t just sit there like, hi, my name is Natasha. I don’t know. No, give him the lick. Give him your hand and hold it for an extra little second. Look. Oh, he’s gonna ask me a number. Are you gonna do something? But a lot of you ladies are too nervous, too scared. This is a man. Hey, why are you nervous?