Unveiling the Formula for Sustainable Growth: Scaling, Predicting, and Adding the Extra 10%

Actually about finding the things that are scalable, repeatable, that you can predict and then finding that little, that curveball you can throw out there that, what’s that extra, you know, 10% that’s gonna make people go like, get that attention. Cuz then when you get that sugar rush, you get the viral video, you do the celebrity endorsement, you have that whole infrastructure built that can actually cat uphold past it. You know, we deal with this. We want, we do a lot of Shark Tank brands and you see like this giant spike that weekend. And traditionally they would just fall off. What we started doing is setting up all the, you know, funnels and email campaigns and follow up and tons of ads around it to keep it going. And so we were able to take a bunch of brands and instead of them just falling off the next week after the launch, they just kept going on that growth scale. And so.