Strategies for eBay Success: Shipping Tips, Honest Listings, and Building Positive Feedback

Should you do free shipping on eBay to get good reviews? Great question. My name is Julian. I’ve been successfully selling on eBay for over 20 years and I love helping other resellers make more and work less. So you do not need to do free shipping on eBay. The only time I do free shipping is if I am selling the same exact thing that other people are selling and other businesses are selling. So if you have a pair of, I don’t know, Adidas shoes that I can buy on Amazon, I could buy on Adidas dot com. Other resellers are selling the same exact shoe and the same exact color and the same exact size in the same new inbox. I’m probably gonna offer free shipping and free returns because you need to compete. But if you are selling things that other resellers really aren’t selling the exact same thing, you’re selling pre owned items, you’re selling one offs. It’s okay to charge reasonable shipping. And I did a video on that.

I passed my shipping discount on to my buyers on eBay. So if something has 5 dollar shipping, I’m charging my buyer 5 dollars. I’m not making money on the shipping. Will this help you get good reviews? What will help you get good reviews, good feedback on eBay is you are selling what you say you’re selling. So if something is not in good condition, you tell it, you show it. If something has a stain, if something has a flaw, if something isn’t working, so tell it. Don’t say something is in like new condition. If it’s not in like new condition, be honest. Show the defects. Say the defects. You won’t get good reviews if you communicate with buyers. So if they ask you a question or you’re gonna be delayed in shipping or something like that, you let the buyer know you’re gonna get good reviews if you ship quickly and carefully. So I have 3 day handling time on my eBay listings. I usually ship the next day. I always ship on time. So I have 3 business days. It always gets shipped on time. And I make sure that my items get to my buyers in good condition.

So if I’m selling something delicate, a pair of shoes, I don’t throw them in an envelope if there could get damaged. They go in a box. If I’m selling something delicate, a delicate dress or a handbag, it goes in a box with tissue paper, you know, t shirts and stuff you can put in an envelope. I always have double. So I have everything in a plastic bag and then in an envelope just in case sometimes the machines will cut those polymailers.

So give good service and sell what you say you’re selling and ship when you say you’re gonna ship. And you’ll be able to get good reviews and leave feedback for the buyers right away. They’re more likely to give you feedback if you’ve already left them feedback. Somebody on here said it’s the same thing as when a customer leaves a store, a brick and mortar store, and the owner or the manager says, thanks so much, come again, have a nice day. That’s what eBay feedback is. That buyer might come back in next week and have used the item and said, you know what, these shoes hurt my feet. I wanna refund it didn’t take away from you saying have a nice day. So leave feedback for buyers right away. And they should leave feedback for you. Don’t worry about feedback so much. But if you want to build up your feedback, that’s the best ways. Those are the best ways.