Understanding Project 2025 and Agenda 47: A Message for People of Color

Kenneth, I could delete your comment and block you, but I’m not gonna do that. I’m going to present some other information to you that hopefully might make you think, rethink this decision. First of all, I’m assuming you’re a man of color based on your profile photo. But as a man of color, I’m really astonished that you would not stand with other people of color. Because they will come for the brown people and then they will come for you. They already have plans to come for that people. And maybe the things that they’re planning won’t affect you directly, but they might affect people that you love, your children, your spouse, your parents, your grandparents, because there are a lot of programs that directly benefit people of color, black people in this country that will be gone under Project 2025. They’re gonna be doing both Head Start, which predominantly affects, you know, underpre, underserved little black children and communities to help them get ahead, starting education. They’ll be doing with Medicaid. They’ll be doing away with Social Security and the Affordable Care Act, a whole bunch of programs, affirmative action type programs that will affect you in your ability to live in a good way in this country.

And so I would just urge you to not focus on one of these issues, but to go figure out and look at Project 2025, an Agenda 47, and understand how it will affect you personally and the people that you love. This immigrants don’t affect you. How does, how do immigrants affect you? I don’t know that they do. I don’t know why you’d be concerned about this. I would again, respectfully suggest that you go look at how it is going to affect you personally as a black man. And again, don’t think that your vote for them is gonna protect you, because it won’t. They don’t care about you. And you need to really reconsider putting your skin color before your proximity to whiteness. And I say that with the deepest respect for you as a person of color, because I want you to understand what’s gonna happen to you so you can make good choices and hopefully stop it from happening to you. And from all of us, thank you for listening.