Big Bag Day Adventures: Movies, Waterfalls, and Family Fun

Here. So it’s another big bag day with me and my niece Mackenzie. My sister is up there and my baby Zanda is up there. And lemon decided to do her own thing. So she might hang out with us cuz she got other plans. Okay, but yeah, so we, here we come into the movies. Let me turn the camera. Get into the waterfall. Look at them up there. I don’t know if jacocd, are we at movie theater? Just see, we gonna go see today. And for some reason, if they even taught me and to get me the details and the shoe streams will not say, tight, fix it. Hi guys, what would you say? So of course, since I’m the big bag, I’m the one in line to get the popcorn. Okay, for my favorite movie, who brings a million to the movies. What’s his name? Auto. And his name is Otto. Why is it moved here? So there are some minions. Oh my God, Yao. This is team. Too much serious. Only my family, only we can transform. Now.