Nurturing Healthy Habits and Community: A Mother’s Perspective

So basically, this lady was on YouTube saying that I’m giving my son a lot of bad food and that I need to give him more drinks with zero sugar and that I need to give him more water. So I’m gonna tell you what he had for dinner last night. We went to Ruth, Chris. He had a fillet asparagus, a Caesar salad, and he had sparkling water. If you wanna contribute to that, Bill, let me know. What did you see him eat or drink while he was restocking his mini fridge? Absolutely nothing. So you have no idea what his diet consists of nor what he’s indulging on a day to day basis. Just because you have something does not mean that you have to eat it. It’s called having options. I didn’t told y’all, if y’all want to give medical advice and diagnose people, become a doctor and see patients. That’s what y’all need to do. Not in my comment section, though, cuz it’s not gonna help you also, too. We only have a family of three, y’all. I know y’all didn’t think we can eat all this by ourselves.

Okay, this summer, I have basically became the neighborhood candy lady because when my son goes outside to play, he’ll have like a water, a juice or some type of snack. And of course, I’m not sending him outside to eating somebody else’s face. So I’ll say, hey, take something outside for the kids. And he will. And now they’ve made the habit of just coming back for more snacks. And I’m cool with that. My home is a safe place for my son and his friends. For those of y’all that leave positive comments and their show us love, I appreciate us so much.