Optimizing Manager Compensation in Your Commission Salon: A Strategic Approach to Balancing Service and Management Pay

The best way to pay any managers in your commission salon, if a manager does services as well, we do not wanna pay them a commission. Wanna pay them a commission whenever they’re performing services, then we wanna pay them either a salary or an hourly whenever they’re managing. Because the biggest mistake that I see salon owners make is they just give their managers a higher percent commission. Say, hey, I’m gonna give you 55% or 60% commission because you’re gonna manage too. But then the people only make money whenever they’re doing services, right? Hair, skincare, nails. So guys, naturally, they’re going to be more focused on doing services than actually managing your salon cuz that’s how they get paid. Splitting up the way they get paid is going to be most beneficial for you and free to understand like how they’re doing as a manager, not how they’re doing as a hairstylist or an aesthetician.

That being said, you also need to separate their days, right? These are the days and times that you perform services. These are the days and times I need you. Managing also helps you understand, like, are they getting their task asks done, right? Because as a manager, if they’re behind the chair, how are they gonna be doing inventory? How are they gonna be doing promotions? How are they gonna be having employee check ins? How are they gonna be doing all the other things that you wanna manage her to do whenever they’re too slammed behind the chair. So guys, make sure that these are separate. And if you wanna learn more about how we pay our managers and our locations, our lead trainers in our locations and everyone else. Then headed like my bio and book a free song on it with my team will show you exactly how we break down all of our different pay in both of my locations.