Diversifying Risk and Investing in Real Estate through Crowdfunding: A Gateway to Multiple Asset Classes and Markets

Putting into a crowdfund, we’re able to diversify the person’s risk into a bunch of different asset classes, right? So we could do the 24 unit, we could do some other projects that we’ve talked about in Utah. There’s projects in Orlando and other states. That are all there that gives them access to travel to, you know, as you said, different properties. Yeah, to tour, but also at the same time, you’re invested in different markets where the housing market you tell is really strong. And if the housing market in another state lags, yeah, you’re able to still make money because, right, it’s helping contribute. So everything’s pulled together. Yeah, so I think that’s a really good opportunity as to why crowdfunding. And then people that don’t have a lot of cash available, right? Like fixed income or you’re just working at 9 to 5, yeah, you wanna invest, but you don’t have enough to do an apartment syndication or that work to build those funds. Yeah, well, you can put into a deal with us and then you get access to all of that stuff for as little as like $1,000 or something like. Yeah.