From Flower Crowns to Arc Bags: The Evolution of a Unique Brand

I brought the arc back and I ordered 1,000 pieces. And I was like, this is it. This is the best thing in the world. It had the same kind of effect on people as the crowns did. People are like, what is that? I need it. But it didn’t sell. Interesting. It didn’t sell for like two years. Really? So it sat there for a good while. Giving it away. And what made.

You keep it? It was that still the first thousand.

Orders. Couldn’t give it away. I was trying to give it away. I couldn’t. It was crazy. And at the time, flower crowns became, so I moved home, flower crowns became like every, you could find it everywhere. So I kind of pivoted the business and I made Kalkaya a flower crown heart company. The way we made money and also kind of got our brand name out there is Levi’s or revolve or different. I mean some bharmits, fuzzer parties or showers, they’d ask us to come and make fresh flower crowns. So it was kind of giving away something that died, but they’d pay us to make the crowns on site. And I ended up training girls across the country so we could do this, you know, all across the US. And so I did that for a little bit.

And so at this point, you’ve, obviously, you’ve bought some stock of the arc bag, but the majority of what you’re doing is you’re doing this flower crown business. How did that pivot into, or like how did the arc bag even start to take off? Was that, would, did that just sit there while a few other designs came out in between and.

Then in takeoff? No, I was like fully doing flower crowns. Really? So it was that fresh flower crowns. I was like, okay, making money doing this. This is fun. New. I get bored very easily. So I was like, this is something, a new challenge. It made people really happy. I got the same joy out of it that I do not of making product, but I was giving the arc bags away at like the revolve events and Coachella under the table and I was giving it to influencers. And Instagram really started to take off and I took some good pictures and after that it was like selling like hot cakes.