Unlocking Free Ketones: The 3 for Free Referral Program Explained

Hi, Aliana. I hope I said your name right. That’s not the way this works. The 3 for free is a referral program. So the way it would work is you would set up an auto ship today that wouldn’t ship for 30 days before the end of this month. Refer three people to drink ketone so they could order our best way to start a not 20, which is 20 servings. And if they set up an auto ship with a Nat 20 on their auto ship, then you get the average of their orders free. When your ships next month, depending on the size of their auto ship orders, will dictate how much free product you receive on yours. That’s what the 3 for free stands for. 3 referrals gets you free ketones.

Just comment the word free. We can have a conversation and I can answer any questions that you have. It’s a great program.