Winter in the Summer: The Trials and Joys of Performing in London’s Cold Weather

I made a video about this before when I first came here about how London’s weird, but I love it. It’s great. I’m so excited to be on the West End. It was, that was my third day in rehears. But what I was complaining about was the fact that it’s cold here. It’s so cold. It doesn’t make any sense that this is the summer time. It feels like winter, fall. But now, as you probably tell from my voice, I am sick. The day before my opening, most of my cast is sick the day before my opening because this is not summertime weather. This is winter time nonsense. I’m sitting here right now, the freaking Ivy, my arm. Try to get better so I can go to my opening night like a normal person and like celebrate and party and not get people sick. But this is what it looks like here. And people just walk around. Some people have umbrellas. A lot of people just walk around with shirts that look like summer shirts and then they cough without covering their mouth. Cover your mouth.