Unlocking Real Estate Success: Section 8 Myths Debunked and Passive Portfolio Strategies Revealed

When I say Section 8, what pops into your head? Probably bad tenants destroy rental properties. These are all misconceptions. I have 722 sectionate rental properties across 4 different states that I’ve accumulated over the last eight years. I bought most of these properties with seller financing, meaning I’m only putting 2,500 to 5,000 dollars down on each property and then I’m not using any credit. So it doesn’t matter if you have bad credit or no credit, you can still get into these units because we’re not using any banks. There’s no credit checks. And then to avoid having bad tenets, we do very aggressive screening. We make sure they don’t have any previous evictions, that they’re not convicted felons, that they have decent credit.

All of these things culminate into making sure you have a truly passive portfolio that’s being managed by a property manager. So even if you live in an expensive area like New York or Miami, you can buy in the Midwest and the southeast where the cash flow is much higher. If you guys wanna learn how to buy your first unit with a low down payment, I’m doing a free training. Click the link below and I’ll show you step by step on how to do this. I can’t wait to see you there.