Debunking the Fear: Why Doubling Rent in the Next 10 Years Is Highly Unlikely

This is what’s called a scare tactic. This is what’s called nonsense. Average rent will double in the next 10 years. Yeah, that’s not happening. Alright? Not in the next five years, not in the next 10 years, not in the next 15 years. That’s not happening. You wanna know why? Because if you were to double rent from where it is right now, nobody would be able to afford rent. So you would just have a bunch of apartments sitting empty because in order for this to happen, people’s incomes would have to double over the next 10 years. And we’ve already seen the statistical data on that over the last 60 years, so the odds of that happening are pretty much zero.

So why make this statement? I don’t know, maybe he’s trying to make his investors feel better about being invested in apartment complexes of his. I don’t know. But to go out and make this statement, it’s reckless and irresponsible because rent can’t go up double in 10 years and less income does something close to the same thing.

Cuz right now, today, people are already maxed out. People are already at their absolute limit. So in order for this to happen, yeah, just knock on the door of some businesses and ask them if they’re gonna be doubling the their pay for their employees over the next 10 years. Let me know how that works out for you. Let me know what you think like and follow for more.