Epic Freestyle Journey: Episode 22 – Unveiling a Rap Hip Hop Beat and Freestyle Flow

Six time, two minutes 12. But I’m six and goes trying to pull me down. But I know the tricks. Hi.

Guys. Welcome back to the channel. Welcome to episode 22. And today we’re gonna make something wrap. It’s actually already, I already made the song yesterday. And you know, I just wanna show it today. I think because yesterday we already make another song but today is a is like a rap hip hop old type beat stuff. So I wanna show you the beat first. And after that, we can play the whole music.

First thing first, we have this really good sample. Hey, that’s hard, man. Hey. And I chopped in this part. Hey, hey, yeah, that’s for the first. And I add this drum. Hey, and this hey, and I have this Siren here. And I have this like Fong Master Flex Tag logic, use this alignment Master Flex funk master flextone. That’s it. And we add the focal. And this is the song from start to finish. Let’s hear it.

Oh, , man. Hell yeah. This is a 22 freestyle, but I’m still 21 when I write this . So write what I mean. I’m freestyling.

Six time, two minutes 12, but I’m six. He goes trying to pull me down, but I know the tricks got too much flow when I keep the on Mexia. Sexier kicks here. Hold up. Get the out of my face. Your ass rubbers. People trying to take this bubble. man, I know better levels. Blow you up, take you money and he cry later levels. Hit me, yup, give me money and we talk later. First of all, like I switch the hose and I keep it fast cuz I keep it low and I know it’s hard for my to blow, but I know it’s not the way it hit us, though. College Bar really put me up to this level, man. I was down below five times. You know, when I keep it saying who? Migration. No ganjil bis Masjid Istiqlal. Person who wants me can now know the time with it out of sight and I need a kiss from my older parts and the door with a whole picture. Let me start with my whole mixture. spare. She got thicker. Hit the spike. Some dumb picture.

Need to hear next, man, for real. Going back to my city, windows down, people trying to roll me down. I go back to Willow Haji and I bring that No. 1 shout out to default. Well done. That’s my homies for life. Don’t forget about my teachers. Then. I owe you a lot. Patient decision and cash. Just my whole recipe and never turn back from the challenge and my enemies taking to my roots. But I flew internationally. Maybe y’all would be the first one to get this PhD. Switch the flow, switch the host. She said, baby, can I switch my toes? Man, I need some time to shut this miges for making jokes. This week is slow dry sub that she had in cold. She said I need it right now. But god, I don’t know. I’m too fly with this flow like in Jack Hollow and I need to replace her cuz I got bored. Like all these drivers got replaced cuz they not score a a they not score my homie, they not score 22 homie. Let’s get it.

That’s the song. I hope you like it. It’s like kind of like logic thing, freestyle, final day type thing. I hope you like it and see you another video, which is date 23, I think. Peace out.