Unbanked Tenants: Understanding the Financial Dynamics of Section 8 Properties

Yes. The majority of my tenants are financially anemic, economically disadvantaged, take your pick. And they’re all, what I notice, unbanked. They don’t have bank accounts. I don’t know what this phenomenon comes from. They don’t even get a checking account. I don’t think that they trust the bank. So what do they do? They stack cash, currency literally under their mattresses. When I used to go look at properties and do inspections, I actually had tenants offer me security deposits in rubber bands. It’s just something that they do.

Another common denominator that I’ve noticed with Section a tenants is that they take advantage of the system, even more so than me, and that’s saying a lot. It was not uncommon for me to pull up to one of my rental properties, and there’ll be a 7 Series BMW and a Hellcat in the front yard. And there’ll be a PS five 75 inch TVs and thousands of dollars in cash in the property. Because they know that if they put that money in the bank, it has to be reported and then they lose their voucher. Guys, if you wanna learn how to do section 8, click the link in the bio sponsor limited. I will see you there.