Snail Rescue: Trying Out the Peach Slices Purifying Cleanser

Chiefs, now I don’t have a scan routine cuz every time I start putting on my face, I get the breaking out. But I’ve been seeing a lot of people use this snail rescue. It’s a purifying cleanser by Peach Slices. And I say, hell, I’m gonna take a chance on this and try it out.

Cuz one thing about it, y’all know I’m gonna give you the real loan. This is my first use, so don’t be thanking you don’t see these wonderful results at the end. I’m gonna keep you all updated as I use this product now, but I will say it feels mighty good. That’s a complete system of you gonna need to have. So stay tuned for my next video so you can see all the products. Leave me a comment if you didn’t use these products before and tell me how they worked out for you. Till we smoke again, y’all, I’m out.