Emergency Rescue: Saving Marsha from the Coffee Shop

Oh, my gosh. What? Oh, no. What? I just realize we forgot Marsha down the street at the coffee shop. Right. She doesn’t have her walker and she’s 85 years old and very brittle. And it’s hot outside. So hot. And she could pass out from beauty exhaustion. And all her family is visiting from out of town. And I don’t wanna see her wind up in a hospital or worse, dad. So we need to leave right now. Get her. We need to help her. We’re gonna help her and then we will come back. We’re gonna come back, but we need help. We need to help Martha now. Yeah, she’s so old. But we will come back. Brittle as soon as we’re s. Yeah, Martha, we’re coming. Martha, come on, we’re coming, Martha.