Trivia Challenge: Test Your Knowledge with Dylan and Pat

Dylan, are you ready? I’m ready. Okay, you’ll have 90 seconds. Let us begin in 3,2,1. Who sculpted the Thinker, Pat? What? London Airport was simply known as London Airport until 1966? Bat, which dog breed was traditionally kept by monks in the Swiss Alps to find lost travelers? Path? Yes. What is the largest lizard species in the world?

Gecko. What country is model Gigi Hadid from? Israel, who sculpted the thinker a gusty Roden? What London Airport was simply known as London Airport until 1966. Great Britain. The internet, which dog breed was traditionally kept by monks in the Swiss Alps to find lost travelers? food time. Are you ready? Yes. We’ll begin in 3,2,1.

Who sculpted the thinker Michelangelo. What London Airport was simply known as London Airport until 1966. He which dog breed was traditionally kept by monks in the Swiss Alps to find lost travelers?

Saint Bernards. What is the largest lizard species in the world? Moto Dragon. What country is modeled? Gigi Hadi from Israel time. Alright, let’s bring Jaylen back in and score this game. Hello. Question No. 1, who sculpted the finger? Premier said Michelangelo. Jaylen passed and came back and said a gusty Rodine. In no way did that seem like maybe he looked it up.

Augusti Rodin. It was a August Rodan. I can see how you might think that it was pronounced that way. If you read it somewhere, we’ll give that to you. One, nothing. Most weird. Yeah, pull that out of nowhere. I know.

Question number two, what? London Airport was simply known as London Airport until 1966. Jaylen passed. Couldn’t find that one, said Grant. Great Britain international. I thought he might say Heathrow Freebier. Said Heathrow. The answer is Heathrow Freebier is tied 1 to 1. Question No. 3, which dog breed was traditionally kept by monks in the Swiss Alps to find lost travelers? Freebier said Satan. Bernard Jalen said rescue dog, the shitsu. I hope he’s not right. Turns out it’s the Saint Bernah. I was hoping that’s where that trope came from.

Freebear leads to one question. No. 4, what is the largest lizard species in the world? I can’t wait. Freebier said Komodo Dragon. It’s a pretty big one. Okay. Jaylen said Gecko, which I believe is one size bigger than Newt, turn me into a mute. I mean, I don’t know that the Geico commercials are accurate in size depiction of geckos, but I do know they don’t come across as very big. The answer is Komodo dress. Oh, man. Rivier leads 3 to 1. You’re lucky, man. You’re just gonna squeak out this victory. And now what country is modeled? Gigi Hadid from freebier said Israel. Jaylen said Israel. She’s from the United States.