Crispy Cabbage Salad with Basil Lemon Dressing: A Healthy and Delicious Must-Try Recipe

To make this salad all the time. I cannot believe that I forgot about it. You’re going to crave this like it’s takeout, I promise you. But it’s so healthy. I may try to do this voiceover in one take. It’s gonna be impossible. But you need cucumber, really smalley diced, smalley diced up small, and cabbage, green cabbage, they set up really small. Too clean as you go. It’s important.

Now you’re under the dressing. You need some green onions. Put a couple of those in the salad, but then some shallots and a lot of basil and a lemon. Can’t make this up.

By Uber Eats a blender halfway through because I realized I don’t have one at my new apartment. So I had to, yeah, Uber Eats one. This wasn’t a proud moment. I could just Uber Eats dinner, but whatever, jam, all of that and some nuts.

I use cashews and olive oil and spinach into your blender, some rice, spinagram eyeballing, as you can see, and then the juice of an entire lemon and garlic. Fresh is better, but I’m too lazy. Then I put some salt and pepper and maple syrup in for a little bit of sweet. I was not sure if the magic bullet was gonna work, but it worked fantastic. This is not an ad for Magic Bullet. Mix everything together. Just trust me, this is so good.

Nutritional yeast usually goes in the dressing, but I forget. So just dumped it on there and then I added some fake chicken and some blue cheese. Oh, my God. This was actually heavenly.