Revolutionary Biomimic Color Changing Foundation: A Game-Changer for Perfect Color Matching

You could not go to a makeup store and get a better color match foundation. I swear, I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about this foundation. It is a biomimic color changing foundation. It goes on white and then it blends out to be your perfect skin tone. And you can even blend it in with your bronze and drops. I like to do it all in one step instead of doing them separately cuz, y’all, it still does the perfect blend. Watch this. So bronzing drops, white foundation, watch this blend. It is just unreal altogether. Look at, you could already see it start changing color. No, it does not just like wipe into your skin. It actually changes color as you work a look at that blend, you can see a blending perfectly into the color of my neck already with just the colors. Couple of swipes. Oh my gosh, how is everyone not using this by this point? Look at that color match. I’m telling you, you’re never gonna go back. It is so good. This one is the medium spectrum. I feel like it works for most skin types, obviously not all, but I just, this is her. Just so good. You see that? How could you not just.