Navigating Friendships and Self-Worth: A Medical Student’s Journey with Autism

Likes this one person so much. Why doesn’t that group of people just collectively lead that? Because you were never the problem to begin with. Let’s talk about. So if you don’t know, you’re new to my page. I’m a secondary med student and I also have ASD, but that’s what we’re gonna talk about right now.

In this situation, I have done a lot of growing in the last few years, thankfully. Therapy, everyone should go to therapy. I swear by it. Not only therapy, but also me just listening to my own intuition that I consistently would go against definitely help me to not only realize and this would happen, that it I wasn’t the problem, but how manipulative people can be when they know that you are one to consider other people’s thought processes or feelings in a situation or argument. One situation I had about this was a group of friends were no longer friends, don’t worry about it. But before I started my med school journey, actually told me that they don’t think I should be a doctor. Mind you, these aren’t people that saw me work to get my degree.

Cummate, working 38 hours while going to school full time at a peaceful position and helpful to come back during Covid and immediately start doing healthcare work. Not gonna get into that. We’re not gonna get into that. But anyway, they said, I, we just don’t think you should be a doctor. We just don’t think you have it in you, aren’t you? None of them are in the medical field or have any medical expertise, but I digress.

Well, anyways, I’ve had the dream of being a doctor since I was a child. Anyone who has grown up with me can tell you I’ve been saying since I was a child that I wanna be a doctor. So once they said that, I should have known in that moment, these people aren’t your friends. Like, I gave them another chance after that. And then they quickly got rid of it.

But anyways, in that moment, I was like, yeah, I don’t think I wanna be friends with them anymore. Like, I was making the conscious decision to be like, yeah, I think once I get to Barbaros, I’m gonna cut them off. At the time, I had a boyfriend, oh, I confided and said, hey, like, I don’t think they have my best interest in mind. Like, I’ve had this dream forever and they’re telling me I just shouldn’t do it because of whatever reason. It’s cuz they were jealous.

If they were jealous. But I get it. I would be, too if I wasn’t me, you know, hard being God’s favorite. Anyways, he told me I should like give them the chance because they probably didn’t mean that way. They literally said I shouldn’t be a doctor. How else was I supposed to take that?

And he also wasn’t on my side, but that’s a whole other story. Oh my God. Anyways, before I had made like the conscious decision to cut them off, like all of them, I’d gotten into argument with one of them particular and she stated like, yeah, you don’t care about people like you don’t consider other people. I consider the way I consider everyone’s feelings before making a decision is sickening. It’s sickening.

The right thing. I knew that she was lying. Right. Here’s my thing. Why would you actively stay friends with somebody who you think only thinks about themselves? And here’s the thing, she blocked me after that, right? Which is fine. I was like, alright, good, it’s done.

Few months, year later, maybe she tried to message me on some, hey, I’m just trying to see like what went down. And of course, again, I’m going to therapy, so I laid it down. It was like, not only are you a gaslighter, a manipulator, a liar, consistently throwing back in my face things I confided to you about. But now you wanna come back after. I’m like, I don’t.

You stop the friendship and the group of people that were friends with her also sided with her. So I’m like, we all, you all can go. Why are you trying to come back? Because I was never the problem. When you are a light, when you are an aura to be around, truth always comes out.

Just sit, be yourself and let it come into fruition. she comes to my TikTok。