Embarking on a Weight Loss Journey with Infinity Hoop and Waist Trainer: A Collaborative Challenge

All right. Hey, y’all. So Infinity Hoop sent me one of their hoops. If y’all been here many years ago, y’all know they sent me one before and I used it. So now that I’m on my second weight loss journey, I’m ready to see how it’s gonna work now that I lost a little bit more weight. So y’all remember this, how it looked. Oh, and I send you one of their waste trainers. Y’all know I’m trying to get my waist real slim. Okay, so hopefully this helps with it. So I took off already about 6 of the links. So if you don’t need them, you can take them off or you can add them back on. And then it’s just really easy application. Then I just, oh, collaborate and then, okay, it’s the way that, okay, and I found it easier to go the way that I’m least dominated. So I write with my right hand, so it’s easier for me to go to the left. So I’ll just start here. Make sure my feet are plants it down here and then I it’s kind of hard job. Oh, you got the okay. Okay. I need some practice. Nonetheless, I think you guys should join me on this challenge to see how this Infinity who works and we can keep up our progress together. Okay?