Support Frankison’s Pizzeria: Help Keep the Slice of Life Alive in Las Vegas

Hello. Welcome to Frankison’s Pizzeria here in Las Vegas. As you may or may not know, I’ve been in the hospital for the last three weeks for, for some, for some major health problems, which caused my restaurant to suffer. During that time, I racked up a lot of bills, not only with the hospital but also with my restaurant. I’m asking you, all my followers out there and my friends that please help me and try to recover from my losses and to pay my bills for the hospital and my restaurant. I have a go fund me pay setup as well as a cash app pay setup. If you can help me out, great. If you know somebody that can help me out, if you can’t help me, please send this video to somebody that could, that may be able to help me out, okay? I wanna keep this restaurant alive for you all and keep this restaurant open for my employees and myself and my family. I thank you all so very kindly from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all and thank you.