Uncovering the Truth: Debunking Ancient Alien Theories and Examining Historical Biases

These pyramids are amazing. Yeah, they are. But there’s no way that ancient Egyptian human beings built them without a little help from up there. Oh, from raw, the ancient Egyptian sun god. No, from ancient aliens. The ancient alien theory describes the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings came to earth and made contact with ancient humans. Tech provided human beings with the knowledge necessary to create intricate cultures, technology, religions, and more racively, however, the achievements and culture of ancient European civilizations like the Greeks and Romans are rarely questioned. While all of the ancient African, Asian and American cultures are scrutinized relentlessly.

Eric von Dannekin, who popularized the current understanding of the ancient aliens theory resist in anti Semitic. He harmfully wrote that Jewish people are a distinct species and said nearly all are musical. They have rhythm in their blood. Our current understanding of the ancient aliens theory comes from the same mind that wrote and propagated that garbage. If you want to know more about ancient history and if you believe in extraterrestrials, that’s fine. But make sure to think critically about the evidence and to completely reject these anti Semitic, racist and anti indigenous theories. Smarter and.