The Unsettling Adventures of Sean Hirschmein and His Animal-Filled Bus

What if I told you there was a bus full of animals you could have sex with, I’d say you’re a monster. So the Adams Counting SPCA. It rescues animals being used for, from a tailor towed by a bus. This guy, Sean Hirschmein, love this guy. He is living a nomadic like existence inside of this bus. Now it’s a yellow school bus and with a makeshift trailer attached to the back of it. Now it was found in a highway pull off in Adams County last week. This is in Pennsylvania. What a great state.

He said that what he does is 24 hour tires and animal shows. Okay, right. So you can do animal show with as many chickens. So the whole inside of the bus was filled with an entire, I am going to say chicken tenement house. Solve chicken. It’s all chickens and roosters. It’s absolutely jam packed with chicken . It looks absolutely horrifying. But there was a trailer attached with that at a horse and several dogs in the back of this trailer. Sean Hershey Fine is a fairly, if not popular, but self confident male sex worker. Honestly, it was really just about the bus and having it be a whole industry. That this guy has been running for a long time and it’s irresponsible.