Lessons Learned in Love: Reflecting on Relationships as Personal Growth Opportunities

Your relationship you’ve been in or are in is a lesson for yourself, to teach you something about you. Whether it was good or bad, it is telling you something that you need to learn.

For example, I’ve had a bunch of shitty situations where that would show me how much work I needed to do within myself. I would get triggered constantly. I would feel less and I would feel insecure. But I’m grateful that I felt that and that person made me feel that way because it showed me that I was not validating myself, I was not valuing myself. I was not respecting myself if I didn’t go through that, I wouldn’t learn the lessons that I did and become the person that I am today and be able to spread my message, spread awareness and be able to help people going through similar experiences. This is the reframe that you need to have in order to move forward from whatever happened in the past. You need to forgive yourself. No more looking back and being like, oh, my God, I was such a dumb bimbo, blah, blah, blah. Like why did I let that happen? Looking at it as that was a lesson. Thank you to that person.

Thank you to myself. I am now going to choose and prioritize myself and my well being. Nothing is more important than me feeling good and feeling the best that I can. Fixing my habits, fixing my routine, getting into a structured day where I feel my absolute bad. The better you feel, the more you’re able to pour into yourself, the more you prioritize yourself, you bring in people that will prioritize you and wanna give you more because what you give is what you got and you’re not giving yourself anything. You’re not gonna get . And I have to learn this the hard way over and over. And you will learn the same lesson by different people until you actually get what needs to be done. But what is this teaching you about yourself and what areas still need improvement?